PHP Version Checking: Introduction
PHP Version Checking is very important in this scenario. PHP is a very popular server-side/back-end scripting language that helps to run hundreds of thousands of websites on the internet. Running a straightforward PHP file on your server or utilizing the “php -v” command at the Windows, Mac, or Linux command line are two quick ways to find out the PHP version. Run a compatible version of PHP to guarantee the most secure and efficient operation of your web-based applications. The Pros and cons of the various approaches to the PHP version will be covered in this article.
PHP Version Checking: Command Line Interface (CLI)
For PHP Version Checking using the command line is the easiest method to find out what version of PHP is installed on your server. You may rapidly get information about the PHP version that is currently operating on your system by executing a specific command.To check the PHP version via CLI, simply open your terminal or command prompt and type: php -v.
Using phpinfo() Function
Another common method is to create a PHP script containing the phpinfo() function and access it through a web browser. This function provides comprehensive information about the PHP configuration, including the version number.
Checking via Web Hosting Control Panel
Verifying the PHP version helps to guarantee that your web apps work with the server setup. Utilizing out-of-date PHP versions can cause problems when trying to use newer frameworks and libraries. You can also check WordPress Php version.

Improves Security
Upgrading to supported PHP versions is necessary to keep your server secure. Your website could be in danger from vulnerabilities in older PHP versions that could be used by hostile actors.
Facilitates Performance Optimization
Performance improvements and optimizations are frequently added in more recent PHP versions. You may make use of these enhancements to guarantee optimal performance for your web applications by maintaining an updated version of PHP.
Cons of Checking PHP Version
Potential for Compatibility Issues
Updating PHP versions is necessary, however occasionally it causes problems with existing codebase compatibility. You may need to make changes to your code since some deprecated functionality might not work as intended.
Complexity for Inexperienced Users
Unexperienced developers or beginners with server administration, checking and updating PHP versions can be a daunting task. It requires an understanding of command-line operations and server configurations, which may be a challenge for beginners.
Limited Support for Outdated PHP Versions
When an older version of PHP expires, security updates and fixes are no longer available for it. Using unsupported PHP versions exposes your server to compatibility and security issues.
Importance of PHP-Supported Versions
Keeping your PHP-supported versions up to date is crucial for your online applications’ compatibility, security, and performance. The PHP development team regularly applies security updates, fixes bugs, and boosts performance for supported versions.
Best Practices for PHP Version Management
Adhere to these PHP version management best practices to guarantee the seamless functioning of your web applications:
- Continually upgrade to supported versions: Keep current with the most recent PHP releases to take advantage of security updates and performance boosts.
- Make use of version management tools: Composer and PHP Version Manager (phpenv) are two examples of tools that can make controlling PHP versions on your server easier.
- Test compatibility before upgrading: Make sure your web apps are compatible with the new PHP version by extensively testing them before updating PHP versions in a production environment.
A crucial part of server maintenance is verifying PHP versions to make sure your web apps are compatible, secure, and performant. You can keep your server environment safe and productive by keeping up with PHP releases and adhering to version management best practices.
Are there any risks associated with upgrading PHP versions?
While upgrading PHP versions is necessary, it may introduce compatibility issues with existing codebases. It’s essential to test thoroughly before upgrading in a production environment.
Does updating PHP versions come with any risks?
PHP versions must be updated, yet doing so could cause problems with existing codebase compatibility. Testing extensively is necessary prior to upgrading in a production setting.
Can I go back to an earlier version of PHP if necessary?
This will depend on how your server is configured. However, you might be able to do this if needed. For security concerns, it is generally advised to maintain an updated version of PHP. Many hosting providers may enable this feature.